Manhattan, Queens & Long Island Florist | Same-Day Delivery


Same-Day Mineola Flower Delivery

Count on QG Floral & Landscape to make your Mineola flower delivery special and memorable! Whether you want to send a dozen red roses for your anniversary, celebrate the holidays, welcome the start of a new season, celebrate a work milestone or send flowers "just because," make QG Floral & Landscape your go-to Mineola, NY florist. We make it easy to order flowers online with the click of a button. Not sure what to send, or want to get some expert advice before you make your decision? Call us directly and one of our floral design experts will be happy to put together a unique creation just for your recipient.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Our Oceanside Location

Address:221 Merrick Road
Oceanside, NY 11572


ZIP Codes Served

11003, 11005, 11010, 11020, 11030, 11040, 11096, 11501, 11509, 11510, 11514, 11516, 11518, 11520, 11530, 11550, 11552, 11553, 11557, 11558, 11559, 11561, 11563, 11564, 11565, 11566, 11569, 11570, 11572, 11575, 11576, 11580, 11581, 11590, 11598, 11710, 11714, 11753, 11756, 11758, 11762, 11783, 11791, 11793, 11797, 11804